






Waiting means Seeing

While we all wait, we do not wait in the same way and the consequences of waiting are different depending on the forms of our vulnerabilities. The unceasing bordering practices institutionalize delays and keeping people waiting for a job, a visa, asylum, or access to the city. In this talk I will focus on the implications of temporal bordering for migrants who are exposed to constant delaying and prolonged waiting. However waiting can also be a wakeful navigation through material struggles in the present and ‘directing one’s mind toward’ the not-yet in daily practice. Like the act of citizenship, the act of waiting is a constant struggle to have the right to participate.

Shahram Khosravi is a former taxi driver and currently an accidental Professor of Anthropology at Stockholm University.

Moderated by: Maja Bogojević is a feminist social scientist, anti-discrimination trainer and founder of the digital education platform “erklär mir mal.”