Remember Now! (Lea Sherin Kuebler, Soraya Reichl und Ensemble)
- Arts/
Soraya Reichl and Lea Sherin Kübler work closely together in the field of cultural and political education. Their work focuses on political and artistic empowerment of young participants. At the Fuchsbau Festival, they will show extracts of their performative audio walk REMEMBER NOW!– A history of remembering each other, which critically examines places of remembrance in Berlin and tells stories from a perspective of resistance in dynamic scene collages. Together with the audience, the performers appropriate the urban space and ask who is remembered and who is not. Along whose history does our society develop its identity and culture of remembrance – and who is excluded from it? For Nach:Denkmal, REMEMBER NOW! – A history of remembering each other will cooperate with the mobile exchange space “Dynamic Monuments” and jointly design an action space that makes the various practices of re-appropriation and collective memory work visible through film clips, sound collages and interactive performance contributions.